Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Foredom Tool Info, Silversmithing Tool Info, and Casting Tool Info

Metal Casting

Metal Casting takes a certain amount of skill and knowledge not to mention the appropriate tools of the trade. Luckily, anyone can learn metal casting and the tools are widely available and some can even be crafted right at the home workshop.

Most of the DIY Casting tools are pretty standard and can be used for the different casting processes. If you already familiar with metal work then the chances are pretty good that you already have some of the tools in your garage or workshop. In fact, it is possible to make many of the tools that are commonly found in small foundries.  If you are unable to make your own tools then there are many online resources where you can buy tools and even home improvement stores will have the tools.

The absolute must have metal casting tools will be used for safety. Safety in the home foundry is a must since any accidents that can occur will more then likely result in devastating injuries, remember safety first.

Gloves will be necessary when pouring the molten metal or picking up the crucible with the aid of heavy strength tongs. Wearing clothing that covers your entire body including long sleeve shirts is important because there will be extreme heat coming from the melted metals. Jeans and work boots will help prevent any injuries in case of spills. Sometimes people aren't aware of this but if you spill metal on places that are wet or have been wet recently, then it will splatter and it can be dangerous. Even concrete can cause molten metal to splatter that is why metal casters always keep a muffin tin on hand where any excess molten metal can be safely stored. Always wear goggles when working with intense flames to avoid eye damage. Without the appropriate safety gear injuries are pretty much guaranteed. 

The furnace is the most important tool of the trade when it comes to metal casting. This tool does not necessarily have to be large and can even be as small as a flower pot. Size does not matter and even the smallest of furnaces can melt your alloy. The individual tools used in the furnace can differ. Not all of them will use a crucible but all of them will use a fuel source and require a refractory of some sort to help shield the furnace and direct the heat.

The crucible is where you place the metal to be melted. It pools inside the crucible and with help of tongs which can be made in a workshop is transported to the mold to be poured. Sometimes you will need a ladle in order to transport the mold if you have a furnace that doesn't use crucibles. The desired shape of the molten metal bascially is caused by the mold that the metal is poured into. The mold consists of two pieces a cope and drag. The mold has a name for its top half and its bottom half and those names are cope and drag. The sprue is where the molten metal enters the mold. After the metal solidifies the sprue is cut away from the cast.

Metal Casting involves many other tools some of which are used for all processes and some are not. The tools needed change from job to job. When you start out in metal casting make sure you gather all the needed tools before you begin. As you start new jobs or look at doing new projects then you can start o gather more tools in your inventory.

Metal Casting ZOne is a new community website all about Home and DIY Metal Casting. Come by today and join the site for free and you get a free Metal Casting Basics EBook just for signing up! Come by MetalCastingZone.Com Today for your free Ebook on Metal Casting.

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